Why I Love Going to the BGCL…
Current Staff and Past Club Kid, Maddy:

“For me, the club was a place I decided to go to because all of my friends were going. Once I got there I realized I had found my second home. The club has helped me grow into the outgoing, hardworking person I like to think of myself as today. I don’t know where I’d be without this place. From the moment I stepped foot through the door I knew I was in a place where I belonged. The club made me feel so special, which is a huge part of why I am still connected today! I want to be the person that kids can connect with on every level, give them a sense of security, and just have fun with them!”
Current Junior Staff Mackenzie and Staff Molly, sisters:

“We have been so lucky to grow up in the club because our mom is the Director. We got to be there before we were old enough and met so many kids over the years. Some of these kids have become family to us, truly sisters and brothers we can count on and look up to. They have helped us with homework, supported us in sports, cheer, and dance, encouraged us when we felt down, and were great role models for us to follow. When the ones we grew closest to graduated from high school, our family was so excited for them, but so sad knowing we wouldn’t see them all the time. When we took pictures before their Senior prom, our mom cried, saying “her babies” were leaving. Molly was the bravest of us that day when she told our mom, “don’t worry mom, they’ll find their way back.” And they have. So many of them. As much as they have become a part of our family, we have become part of their family as well. The club family is like no other, and we are so luck to have such a large extended family to grow with. Thank you Club Alumz, for all you’ve done for us and for staying connected even after all these years. We’re so glad you’re still Club Kids, and we’re so glad you’re some of mom’s #AllMyBabies.”
Past Club Kid, Emily B:

“I came to the Teen Center in 2008 when I moved to Lunenburg. I had no friends- my parents thought it would be a good way to meet new people. And it was. I met one of my longest friends there. I was scared at first, but everyone was so friendly and nice and made me feel very welcome and a part of the club. I remember having nothing buy good times there. I want to stay connected because the teen center meant a lot to me growing up during the hard parts of high school and middle school- kept me sane and happy. And I hope it can continue to do that for generations of kids to come.”
Past Staff, Junior Staff, and Club Kid, Keifer:
For those of you lucky enough to have known Keifer when he was at the club, you know he gives his all into everything and he put his heart and soul into the club! Take a minute to listen to his Why Wednesday!